A Happy Anniversary
In 2017, having just celebrated my fiftieth birthday, I decided to take the risk of turning a concept into a business. After a year of...
One of the best definitions I've found comes from The Power to Persuade website, "Co-design takes a ‘ground-up’ approach to finding...
Alarmist Alert
I'm alarmed to find I've become an anxiety alarmist. In a way it almost feels like I don't have a choice, I'm surrounded by it. Our...
Transition can induce anxiety - it is the period of change from one state to another. For some children the daily transition from home to...
It's always wonderful to find more research that validates an idea you have. Judy Robinson, a psychologist friend sent me the link to...
If you're anxious about the New Year it might comfort you to know you are not alone. In the US, according to Business Insider, it is...
Into the woods
If you go down to the woods today You're sure of a big surprise If you go down to the woods today You'd better go in disguise. Many of...